New Hammy Release 3.21.1

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The first new Hammy release of 2021 sees a flexed-out realisation of blacklist and whitelist management. E-mail addresses which are either included or excluded can be collected, formulated and related to templates. Traffic management is another feature that has been available in previous versions already, now it is featured on a new administrator's interface for configuration and customisation. Archiving options have been extended and the HTML visual editor compatibility with the MS Outlook client has been further improved. As usual, the new release contains stbaility and performance improvements. 

Version number: 3.21.11
Released: 2021. január

Managing Backlists and Whitelists

Whitelists contain e-mail addresses which are considered reliable and approved, whereas blacklists are a collection of addresses which are unreliable or disapproved. A simple toolset for the management of such lists has been a feature of Hammy since the early versions. This feature set has now been greatly extended and a sophisticated user interface became available. Rules can be applied to define blacklist and whitelist contents and the scope of lists can also be set, e.g. blacklists and whitelists can be related to message templates. 

Traffic Management and Send Window

Traffic management is a server side functionality which is now available through the Hammy administrator's interface. An earlier example of this feature named 'batch sending' can be found in Hammy Digital Direct Marketing (DDM). 'Batch sending' regulates sending volumes in a temporal context. This functionality has now been universally extended for all message types and channels. The benefit of the traffic management feature is that we can avoid 'flooding' a large number of customers simultaneously, thus a potentially resulting customer service overload can be avoided.  

In a new admin screen, two parameters of traffic management can be set: send time window and send speed.  Send time window specifies the time periods in which messages using a given template can be sent. Send speed defines messages per hour. Should more send requests be initiated, the extra message contingent is put in a wait state and automatically released in the next available period. 

HTML Visual Editor content for MS Outlook

The HTML Visual Editor is a major new Hammy feature released still in 2020. We continue to refine and improce is, in order for the generated HTML content to be displayed reliably and in a uniform fashion on all e-mail clients. Microsoft Outlook is one of the more challenging clients in this respect as standard HTML is followed quite liberally in tis product. The current release contains improvements which fix known Outlook display issues..

Archiving configuration for message types

Archiving and a document management system (DMS) is closely related to the core of the Hammy solution. New messages can be generated from the DMS as well as sent documents or messages are stored there for a longer period. This corrensponds to legal and regulatory requirements too.
Hammy integrates with several DMS implementations and also features its own integrated, full-feature-set DMS, named Doky. Previously, archiving parameters and scope of messages to the archived could be set as service call parameters. Starting with this release, such parameters can be set on the administrator's interface, related to templates, template groups or set as a default. This greatly improves the user comfort of long term storage and retrieval tasks.

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